Prototype Club Box 05
Mark McAulayThis is part of a series of posts covering the contents of each Prototype Club box dating back to November 2022. An overview of the thinking and circumstances around each prototype hot sauce.
This one started life much the same way any of our HET SASS range starts its journey. But without garlic. This time, we launched Scotch Bonnets, Smoked Paprika and Guajillo into the ferment.
So yeh, in hindsight, it didn’t really start life like our HET SASS at all. But it did go in a big fermentation vessel for a while, so that’s close enough.
And there it partied for 21 bubbly, yet otherwise uneventful days.
There was a point to this. To establish how the fermented mash would take on the characteristics of those dried ingredients.
Which it did in a rather pleasing way.
We put an accent on the smokiness by adding some hickory liquid smoke when we pasteurised the sauce. And we didn’t thicken this one either. Treat it like a smoky Louisiana style sauce. This one has better vibes of “care & attention” and “good ingredients” though.
Heat: 2/5
We procured some of the best kimchi juice in the land. That only comes from the masters of fermented jars of wonder, Crafty Pickle Co Down in Wales. We’ve been friends with them forever and they really do know their onions…also, cabbages, radishes etc etc
We added that joy to a fermented base of red peppers, garlic and loads of scotch bonnets. Then we added in loads of lime juice, ginger and some smoked dried goods to make it our own. Kimchi is a flavour we occasionally experiment with. We’ve threatened a collaboration with The Crafty Pickle for a long time. We think it should happen.
Heat: 2/5
We make no apology for our love of mustard. Nor for flexing our muscles with it whenever we can. You see, we believe that here in the UK, we’re not very good at making mustards. Look a little further away to Germany or USA and you’ll see far more exciting things going on. Some unusual things also. We’re not prepared to leave the UK reputation in tatters. We’ve taken on the task of making more interesting things with it.
And you get to play too. You can expect a lot more from our growing cupboard of mustard skills.
This time we considered dumping a load of apple sauce into a fiery mix. That’s what the Germans might do. But we’re a little more unhinged than that, so we procured a load of mango puree and we took things too far. As you’re no doubt now aware that we’re prone to doing. Habanero heat to make you remember who made this thing.
Heat: 3/5