Hottest Singularity Sauce
We’ve put together a series covering the top 5 questions asked of us. Others might have rolled out a FAQ section for this. We’re built differently. Let’s get on with it.
At number 1 is:
What is your hottest sauce?
So often are we asked this in fact, that we took extra measures. We went ahead and made a sauce called “Our Hottest Sauce” so we could put this one to bed.
We need to be clear on this though.
Making this sauce was us both stepping in and stepping out of the hot sauce arms race.
We could make a hotter sauce but we don’t feel the need to. We wanted to build a combined flavour and heat experience. One which encapsulates the limit of what we’d use on our own food. It’s got to taste great or why bother? We didn’t miss the opportunity for a gimmick though, we coloured the sauce jet black. No light passes through it.
We used our “go-to” superhot for this one. We prefer the taste of Moruga Scorpion Chillies to other hotter varieties.
The sauce is 47% Moruga Scorpion Chillies. That’s lots.
It’s made a bit more fiery (because that’s absolutely necessary) with a boat load of ginger. From there, we build the flavour out with Lime Juice, Rice Vinegar and Maple Syrup. Primarily though, you’re getting the flavour of those chillies though. This one is a creeper. You’ll be fine for the first minute after showing everyone how tough you are. It’s at this point it starts coming for you. You’re now on a magical adventure with no way out. Tastes delicious, hits like an incoming tide of lava. Use sparingly on noodle dishes, wings, sweet & sour dishes. Or if you crave that moment of eating delight, sat in silence with a bead of sweat coming down your face, this is the one.
If you’ve landed on this post, there’s a chance you want to know just how hot this is. The answer is, it depends. Here are our thoughts on Scoville ratings on hot sauce.
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